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Our story

Featuring good Portuguese cuisine since 1989

Our traditional codfish recipes alternate with seafood and fish, which were prepared to be enjoyed among family and friends, in a warm and cozy atmosphere. The rich and tasty dishes of the motherland, Portugal, are served by an attentive team that will be happy to welcome new customers and also those who are already part of our house.

With over 30 years of good stories, Alfaia invites you to an unforgettable experience! Come visit us and be part of our family!

Good memories are made (and remade) at the table. Even better when they are paired with good company and a traditional cod. With that in mind, Alfaia opened its doors in 1989, bringing to Copacabana the true “Casa do Bacalhau”.

Coming from a group of experienced friends, united by the pleasure of serving a good meal, the project soon mobilized family members, who never left the restaurant. Even the name was a suggestion by the matriarch of the Monteiro Family: in her fondest memories of Portugal was the Faia, a leafy tree that united loved ones in its shade.

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